Jim Carrey talks about depression and sadness and the difference between them
A woman at a local store told me that for years her grandfather collected beach glass from the beach here and put it in bottles. One day she showed up and it was gone – thrown out. I just got tired of looking at it.
Darkness is ignorance Knowledge is light Fight only with yourself Or the shadows of the night
New Zealand based artist, Martin Hill practices his art by making and photographing environmental sculptures in nature that return to nature.
25 percent of amphibians, and 34 percent of fishes are threatened with extinction.
In June 1791 Don Francisco Eliza in command of the San Carlos, and the schooner Santa Saturnina under the command of Jose Maria Narvaez set out to make an examination of the Strait of Juan de Fuca and El Gran Canel de Nuestra Senora del Rosario la Marinera(the Gulf of Georgia). In early July the Narvaez expedition anchored in Semiahmoo Bay, near the mouth of the Campbell River. The Spanish were the first Europeans to see the Semiahmoo First Nations people.
One of every four life forms on this planet may become extinct by the year 2050.
It is estimated that every day one species goes extinct.